Elige tu tarifa y rellena tus datos de suministro. En unos 4 días serás de Octopus
Te damos dos meses de carga gratis al unirte a Intelligent Octopus Go Ver condiciones
Save up to 70%
Intelligent Octopus Go
The best tariff for EV Charging
Esta tarifa está en fase beta, pero ya puedes disfrutarla
Power your EV at 0.07€/kWh
Connect your EV with our app
Schedule your charges at just €0.07/kWh. You can also check the status of your charges in real time
Save more
You'll save up to 200€/year more compared to other EV tariffs
Compatible with any of our tariffs
Choose your tariff and we'll refund you the difference between your price and 0.07€/kWh
How can I join?
Hazte cliente
Descarga la app y vincula tu coche
Es muy fácil. Te enseñamos cómo hacerlo en el vídeo de abajo
A final de cada mes te reembolsaremos la diferencia para que cargues a 0,07€/kWh
Already a customer?
You're ready to go! Just follow the steps from the video:
For the moment this only will work for Tesla vehicles. We're working hard to provide this service with other EVs or EV chargers