Fair tariffs with no exit fees

100% green energy

Fixed prices for 12 months

No exit fees

Octopus Solar

Icono de un candado voltage

Fixed price for each period

Energy consumed

Peak (P1)

0.197 €/kWh

Standard (P2)

0.122 €/kWh

Off-peak (P3)

0.084 €/kWh


Peak (P1)

0.095 €/kW/day

Off-peak (P2)

0.027 €/kW/day

Solar surplus

+0.04 €/kWh

wallet icon

Octopus Solar Wallet for free

  • If you already receive compensation for your solar surplus, we activate your Solar Wallet automatically

  • If you haven’t activated your surplus yet, send us your CIE (electrical installation certificate) and we’ll handle it fot you: hola@octopusenergy.es

solar panel icon

The best price for your solar surplus

  • If you already have a solar installation, your solar surplus at +0.04 €/kWh

  • If you install your panels with us, your surplus at +0.07 €/kWh - valid only at the time of installation

Eficiencia energetica

Don't worry! Red Eléctrica guarantees that there won’t be any power cuts during the switchover

Find out which is the tariff for you

Use our tariff recommender to see which tariff is ideal for you

You can have cheaper green energy if you adjust your usage to the cheapest times of the day

Off-peak period

Un icono de un relámpago green

Standard period

Un icono de un relámpago yellow

Peak period

Un icono de un relámpago red

Monday to Friday








Weekends and bank holidays


