Your tariff in just a few questions

Question 1 of 3

1. What type of tariff do you want?

Question 2 of 3

2. Which of these devices do you have in your home?

Question 3 of 3

3. How do you prefer to use your energy?

You can save more by using your energy at certain times or else not worry about the time and always have the same price.

An image of a paper aeroplane flying

No permanence
Although we want you to stay, you can leave whenever you like

An image of a kettle connected to the power supply

No power cuts during the switchover

An image of two palm trees holding a hammock

We'll notify your old company

An image of a world holding prices

5-star rated customer care and service

An image with a lightning bolt icon in the centre

Don't worry! Red Eléctrica guarantees that there won’t be any power cuts during the switchoveri

You can have cheaper green energy if you adjust your usage to the cheapest times of the day

Off-peak period

Un icono de un relámpago green

Standard period

Un icono de un relámpago yellow

Peak period

Un icono de un relámpago red

Monday to Friday








Weekends and bank holidays


