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Do you want gas at the same property?

It’s a code that identifies your meter. It starts with 2 letters, which make reference to the country you’re in, in our case it starts with ES, followed by 20 or 22 digits.

You can find your CUPS in an existing bill, where your contract data is located. If you want to know exactly where you can find it, we have some example bills to show you where to locate it. Use the drop-down menu to select your current energy supplier. You'll see we've indicated on example bills where to find your CUPS code.

Find it on the second page:Ejemplo de número CUPS en una factura de Iberdrola

Personal information

We keep in touch

Every now and then, we go a bit bonkers and offer some really cool promotions and stuff. Since we're not fans of spam at Octopus, fancy us giving you a heads up so you're in the loop?

Octopus Energy España, S.L.U es una compañía inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Valencia (España) con fecha 14 de

marzo de 2019, al tomo 10642, folio 25, hoja V-186743, inscripción 1ª y número de identificación fiscal B40563082.

Oficina: Calle Pintor Sorolla, 5 - puerta 2 (46002 - Valencia)

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