Constantine image sharing energy

Follow your Octopus teacher and get 50€

Accept your friend's invitation and get 100% renewable energy and an almost five-star customer service

Follow my Octopus teacherOur policies
Laptop image shwoing a loader

Pick the tariff that works best for you

Phone images with constantine

Enter your personal and banking info

Phone image in a mailbox

No service interruptions

Palm trees image

Relax, in 48 hours you'll be an Octopus pupil

I'm already with Octopus. How do I invite my friends?

1In your customer account, you will find the section "OctoFriends". There, you will see a personal link that you can share with your contacts

2Copy your link and send it to your contacts. It will look something like this:

3When someone registers using your link, you will both get 50€ in credit in your Octopus accounts!

Why Octopus?

Piggy box and calculator image

Fair prices

Transparent prices and clear bills, based on the true cost of electricity

World with green energy image

Get 100% green energy

All of the energy powering your home comes from renewable sources

Constantine answering calls image

An (almost) 5 star customer service

You'll receive customer support with a 4.8 out of 5 star average on Google and Trustpilot

Looking for a different kind of company?

Join Octopus today and get a 50€ gift and your personal link so you can spread your energy with your friends. You'll get 50€ for every friend who signs up!

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